Main classes to deal with:

  • SerafinHeader
  • Read (derived from Serafin)
  • Write (derived from Serafin)

Read Telemac file

Read a binary Selafin file. Automatic dectection of precision (single or double) and endianness (big or little endian).

In [5]:
from pyteltools.slf import Serafin

with Serafin.Read('../scripts_PyTelTools_validation/data/Yen/fis_yen-exp.slf', 'en') as resin:
    # Read header (SerafinHeader is stored in `header` attribute of `Serafin` class)
    # Display a summary
    # Get time (in seconds) and display it

Reading the input file: "../scripts_PyTelTools_validation/data/Yen/fis_yen-exp.slf" of size 2078184 bytes
WARNING: The 2D variable name "C 1ST CLASS" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
WARNING: The 2D variable name "PRIVE 1" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
WARNING: The 2D variable name "PRIVE 2" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
The file is of type SERAPHIN 2D. It has 14 variables,
on 1894 nodes and 3093 elements for 19 time frames.
[0.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 3000.0, 4000.0, 5000.0, 6000.0, 7000.0, 8000.0, 9000.0, 10000.0, 11000.0, 12000.0, 13000.0, 14000.0, 15000.0, 16000.0, 17000.0, 18000.0]

Write Telemac file

In [2]:
import numpy as np

from pyteltools.slf import Serafin

with Serafin.Read('../scripts_PyTelTools_validation/data/Yen/fis_yen-exp.slf', 'en') as resin:
    # Copy header
    output_header = resin.header.copy()
    # Change some header attributes if required

    values = np.empty((output_header.nb_var, output_header.nb_nodes), dtype=output_header.np_float_type)
    with Serafin.Write('/tmp/test.slf', 'fr', overwrite=True) as resout:

        # Copy all frames
        for time_index, time in enumerate(resin.time):
            for i, var_ID in enumerate(output_header.var_IDs):
                values[i, :] = resin.read_var_in_frame(time_index, var_ID)
            resout.write_entire_frame(output_header, time, values)

Reading the input file: "../scripts_PyTelTools_validation/data/Yen/fis_yen-exp.slf" of size 2078184 bytes
WARNING: The 2D variable name "C 1ST CLASS" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
WARNING: The 2D variable name "PRIVE 1" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
WARNING: The 2D variable name "PRIVE 2" is not known (lang=en). The complete name will be used as ID
Writing the output file: "/tmp/test.slf"

Handle exceptions

Some custom exceptions are defined in pyteltools.slf.Serafin:

  • SerafinRequestError: Serafin file content checking
  • SerafinValidationError: requesting invalid values from Serafin object